ceviche, mexican cuisine
I have a great recepie for Ceviche, a classic mexican meal.
1 lb. cooked and diced shrimp
1 lb. cooked and diced calamari
2 onions diced
1 cup ime juice
4 large cucumbers peeled and diced
1 large onion diced
4 to 5 carrots diced
4 tomatoes diced
In a large bowl combine your seafood, note that you can use whatever
variation of seafood you like the most. Pour in your lime juice and mix
very well. Next mix the rest of your ingredients, adding salt to your
taste. Let chill in refrigerator for at least 30mis. The longer it sits
in the refrigerator the best the seafood will absorb the lime juice.
This can be served as an apetizer or a main course meal. You can serve
on tostadas or on crackers, whatever you preffer.