Googling around will reveal that cebiche (from cebo, or bait, also
ceviche, seviche) can include cooked seafood, typically shrimp, squid,
and octopus. But, while popular in many S. American countries,
cebiche is most often associated with Peru where it's the national
dish. Naturally, someone is bound to dispute the origins, in this
case Ecuador. I've had it with raw fish, cooked shrimp, and raw
scallops. If done well, it's all good.
When living in Panama, we discovered this great dish. I often made it,
and usually used- a lot of fish ( fresh from the market) a lot of
juice from Limons, sometimes shrimp, salt , pepper, sometimes shrimp,
some onion (finely diced )and hot peppers. My kids ask me to make it
when they come for visits now, and it is just as good.
I have seen it with tomatoes, avocados, and oyher assorted sea
critters. As you said, it is all good.