Margaret Suran wrote:
> Stan Horwitz wrote:
>> In article .com>,
>> "JeanineAlyse" > wrote:
>>> Is there any resource for buying very small bottles for any of the
>>> alcohol "flavors" that are commonly used in cooking, such as rum,
>>> vodka, various wines, etc.? I'm thinking of those tiny bottles served
>>> on airlines (or used to be?), which would be perfect for using only now
>>> and then in recipes I'd probably enjoy making.
>>> Thanks for possible help....PickyJA
>> Did you check at a local liquor store? I have no idea where you live,
>> but in New Jersey, in my area, lots of liquor stores sell those small
>> airline size bottles of wine and spirits.
> After reading this thread, I started to wonder about these little
> bottles and went into a few liquor shops in my neighborhood, the Upper
> East Side of Manhattan, New York City.
> I was shocked. The average tiny bottle costs between two and three
> dollars and more for better brands. $2.99 plus tax for one tiny drink
> of J. Walker Red and $3.99 for J. Walker Black? Ridiculous.
Try buying a fifth of JWBlack, it the military store it is over $30.
One ltr. of red is $28. I sure wouldn't cook with it, at those
prices. Best to use extract, some of the cheap brands are nothing
but alcohol and flavoring any way. The rum extract would be most
noticeable. There is little flavor in Vodka, some in Tequila might
retain some after cooking but not much. The Brandy drinks will hold
much more flavor after cooking, beer has a good flavor when using it
as well.
Just Dog