OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> I have these on my shopping list.
> I MISS noodles and these were brought to my attention as a "low carb"
> noodle. I've done some googling and they look promising
I can't help you on the shiratake noodles but I do have an alternative
you might be interested in. Can you get spaghetti squash down under?
If so it makes a suitable substitute for spaghetti. Depending on the
sauce you use the resulting dish will be low carb. I think tomatoes are
higer carb veggies.
> I assume I can treat them like any oriental noodle, or even use a meat,
> mushroom and tomato sauce with them to make spagetti.
> What is the texture like and are there any hints or cautions on cooking
> them? Are they a soy noodle? Do they cook to mush easily?
> Do any Austinites know if My Thanh sell them and if not, where can I get
> them in Austin?
> Cheers!