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In article >,
~patches~ > wrote:

> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> > I have these on my shopping list.
> > I MISS noodles and these were brought to my attention as a "low carb"
> > noodle. I've done some googling and they look promising

> I can't help you on the shiratake noodles but I do have an alternative
> you might be interested in. Can you get spaghetti squash down under?

I'm in Texas, and yes.
In fact, there are two of them out in the refrigerator right now.
I'm contemplating using them over the weekend.

> If so it makes a suitable substitute for spaghetti. Depending on the
> sauce you use the resulting dish will be low carb. I think tomatoes are
> higer carb veggies.

Yeah, tomatoes are a problem when it comes to sugar carbs!
You have to really go easy on them.

My thing is, sometimes I want a savory, non-italian dish like chicken
noodle soup or somesuch, and spagetti squash really is not suitable for

Thanks tho'! :-)

I find that spagetti squash is best if you rinse the "noodles" in a
colander and get all the squashy mush off the fibers.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson