Thread: Dinner tonight
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Dog3 wrote:

> I found a 12lb. turkey in the deep freeze (which REALLY needs to be cleaned
> out). I thawed it in the fridge for 3 days and I'm roasting it tonight.
> I'm not doing anything fancy with it. Rub it with oil, S&P and stuffing the
> cavity with lemon, fresh rosemary, celery and onion. I'll be serving some
> fresh mashed, frozen peas and the rest of the broccoli and cauliflower.
> Turkey gravy and rolls will also be on hand.
> I guess I'm gearing up for Thanksgiving We'll have 22 family members
> and friends this year. It's the first time in 3 years I've been able to do
> it. I'm excited!
> Michael
> P.S.
> Does anyone else have their Thanksgiving dinner planned out yet? I don't
> but have plenty of ideas whirling around.

We do for next weekend which is the Canadian Thanksgiving - this coming
weekend. We will be away with other boaters so won't be celebrating
with our family. I'm bringing de-boned turkey, gravy, & fresh cranberry
sauce. On the Sat of this weekend they are holding an early Hallowe'en
dress-up contest so I'm thinking it is going to be a bit of a bizzar
weekend. We may go to DS's on the Mon if we are home in time. All the
kids are coming home to celebrate Thanksgiving here the following
weekend so it will be a real feast