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Lynn from Fargo
Posts: n/a

oh, modom
that sounds like a wonderful salad
-sorry, my shift key is on the fritz -
the radisson hotel here used to make a fabulous steak salad.
when it first appeared on the menu it was five or six slices of very
rare smoked tenderloin/filet on a bed of mostly dark greens including

the menu said they smoked the tenderloin especially for the salad and i
believe they did . . . at first.
the meat and greens were accompanied by half a dozen marinaed -fresh-
mushroom caps, some nicely pickled baby corn and a couple of piles of
shredded smoked gouda cheese. this all came to the table on a big
dinner plate with a sauceboat of warm mustard bacon sauteed onion

i adored that salad and ordered it every first saturday of the month
when i went out to lunch with the girls. it cost eight dollars -way out
of my budget but it was worth saving up for.

gradually over a year or so, the salad began to change - it was sad,
like watching a really spiffy neighborhood go downhill. i gave up when
the tenderloin/filet deteriorated to some lackadaisical julienne of
well done pot roast.

damn . . . i miss that salad and i'd kill for the dressing recipe

lynn in fargo=DC