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Default Saturday's Bread & Pics

I baked bread yesterday. Here are the pics.

Apple Bread
This is a very nice aromatic bread with chunks of apples throughout. It
makes a nice breakfast bread when topped with a little cream cheese. A
nice firm cooking apple is needed. I used L-star apples. The dough is
made in my breadmaker on dough setting then transferred to a loaf pan
for the final rising and baking.
L-star apples -
Dough rising -
Finished bread -

French Bread
This is a basic French bread with the dough made in my breadmaker then
shaped into an elongated loaf on a cookie sheet and baked in the oven.
The green sheet is a silicone baking sheet. These nice to use but they
will stain as evident in the pic. Pandora if you look close you will
see a bit of corn meal. I like setting French bread on corn meal for
light dusting on the bottom.
Dough rising -
Bread cooling -
Freshly sliced bread -