Strange bottle of Corona beer
The local likker store has a grocery basket full of brown paper bags
labeled "Mystery 6-Packs $3.99" I bought one last week and it had a
nice mix of 4 bottles of interesting premium beers, a pint can of
Nottingham ale, and a can of Michelob Golden.
I went back Friday and bought two more. Not as good as the first bag
(these had "wine cooler" malt beverages, Busch light, Miller lite, some
other forgetable beer, and a bottle of Fischer (French beer) in each
one) but still a pretty good deal. Now here's the weird part. One of
the bags had a bottle of Corona, I just opened it, and it's not skunked.
I don't think I've *ever* had a Corona beer before that didn't have
that nasty skunky flavor and smell. I guess somebody forgot to set this
case of Corona out in the noonday sun to develop that signature
****-like quality.
It's actually pretty good beer when you accidently get a good one.
Best regards,