Black Caviar
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In article >,
~patches~ > wrote:
> Dog3 wrote:
> > OmManiPadmeOmelet > wrote in news:Omelet-
> >
> >
> >
> >>In article . com>,
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Sheldon
> >>>just found this site and I have vision problems ---but I know a good
> >>>cook when I
> >>>see one
> >>>
> >>>I have looked at old postings ie "canned mushroom soup and the canned
> >>> clam recipe" somone requested
> >>>
> >>>I loved your reponse Sheldon and I think that when someone asks for
> >>>the definitive recipe for ' Italian spaghetti sauce" or any sauce
> >>>made with cream soup you have every right to be scathing.
> >>>
> >>>I have read a great deal of the past postings and I think everyone
> >>>else should lay off picking on Sheldon and listen to him
> >>>
> >>>He is the real deal ---ask for his advise--this is my first
> >>>posting---but I had to write because everyone picks on Sheldon and
> >>>although not a diplomat--he is right more often than not.
> >>>
> >>>Please forgive my typos--I am losing my sight and won't be able to
> >>>write often
> >>>but if I could you all would have another "Sheldon" to pick on
> >>>because if you want info on canned soup recipes and cannot make your
> >>> own white sauce with mushrooms--then you need to join a "cooking
> >>>with canned soup" site or get Kraft foods to send you their recipe of
> >>>the week
> >>>
> >>
> >>There is nothing wrong with posting kitchen shortcuts, and there is
> >>nothing wrong with using canned soups if you are short on time and/or
> >>funds.
> >>
> >>Are you a cooking snob? Even Sheldon is not THIS snobby!
> >>
> >>Welcome to my killfile!
> >>
> >><plonk>
> >
> >
> > Besides, I get Kraft Foods weekly recipe via email AND their snail mail
> > recipe book a few times a year. Sometime ya' just have to compromise. I
> > don't necessarily like to but what the heck.
> >
> > Michael
> >
> I think in some respects I am a cooking snob since I *prefer* homemade
> to store bought, home preserved to commercial, fresh to preserved, etc.
> However even though I do all this I still keep store bought items on
> hand too such as canned soups, frozen veggies like peas since I don't
> grow them, frozen Oriental veggies mix, and other things like that
> because they are time savers. For the shudder - I buy and use Cheese
> Whiz and alpha-ghetti on occasion and I have bought rice-a-roni and at
> least one of those packaged quick pasta side packets. Although I make a
> lot of homemade salad dressings I keep a supply of Kraft salad dressings
> on hand too. The same thing with bbq sauces. So I'm not sure if I'm a
> true cooking snob or just a snob that loves to cook
See? :-)
We all take shortcuts.
I do occasionally make salad dressings from scratch, but the ones at the
store are very good and very inexpensive and make _great_ quick
I just objected to the way she came across. Really snotty like the rest
of us were not worthy of her royal presence if we _dared_ ta take a
short cut once in awhile!
The subject of canned soups only comes up once in awhile. I don't know
why she feels that that is what the group is all about. She obviously
has no clu'.
Man, what an ugly way to introduce yourself!
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson
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