jake wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> jake wrote:
>>> ~patches~ wrote:
>>>> I baked bread yesterday. Here are the pics.
>>>> Apple Bread
>>>> This is a very nice aromatic bread with chunks of apples
>>>> throughout. It makes a nice breakfast bread when topped with a
>>>> little cream cheese. A nice firm cooking apple is needed. I used
>>>> L-star apples. The dough is made in my breadmaker on dough setting
>>>> then transferred to a loaf pan for the final rising and baking.
>>>> L-star apples - http://tinypic.com/e7i437.jpg
>>>> Dough rising - http://tinypic.com/e7i4qt.jpg
>>>> Finished bread - http://tinypic.com/e7i6vq.jpg
>>>> French Bread
>>>> This is a basic French bread with the dough made in my breadmaker
>>>> then shaped into an elongated loaf on a cookie sheet and baked in
>>>> the oven. The green sheet is a silicone baking sheet. These nice
>>>> to use but they will stain as evident in the pic. Pandora if you
>>>> look close you will see a bit of corn meal. I like setting French
>>>> bread on corn meal for light dusting on the bottom.
>>>> Dough rising - http://tinypic.com/e7i7ow.jpg
>>>> Bread cooling - http://tinypic.com/e7i9m9.jpg
>>>> Freshly sliced bread - http://tinypic.com/e7ia9s.jpg
>>> Unbaked it looks like a baby's bottom (or is that an inappropriate
>>> thing to say in a mostly American ng?)
>> LOL We are aware babies have bottoms!
>> Jill
> I sued to work for a British publisher of children's book. We couldn't
> use any illustrations of children that were "too naked" or else the
> American market would find it offensive. That's why I asked
Pretty funny considering we have (drawn) images of bears prancing around
wiping their arses with toilet paper on television to advertise some brand
of paper. I actually think we were not so prudish some 70 years back, what
with post cards of naked cupids flying around shooting arrows for
Valentine's Day. Now everything must be so politically correct, but it's
okay for teen girls to run around half naked. It's a crazy world.