You are like school on Sunday ... no class. Sad ...
Jason Alstrom
-- New England Beer Fest - October 29th 2005
"Scott Kaczorowski" > wrote in message
> "Todd @ BeerAdvocate" > wrote in
> news:BDt0f.14989$794.12792@trndny01:
>> Respect Beer.
> "Respect" beer? That is just ****ing stupid. Respect?
> Beer? Beer is a beverage - nothing more. I might as well
> respect the blend of gasoline in my bit o' paradise... MBHB
> or...what?
> Oh, I RESPECT that.
> Er, no I don't. It's good for LA, but *respect*...?
> I respect a color I like on a car. No, wait...I just like
> that color.
> I respect people and their actions. You Jason/Todd are balls
> of shit. You're both self-promotional assholes. You suck.
> You're selling something and yet you pretend you are
> providing a service...
> Jason...Todd - **** off.
> Really.
> Please **** right the **** off.
> Anyone here who RESPECTS beer - raise your hand. I *respect*
> A. Scott Crossfield. Or Bob Cardenas. Or George "Wheaties"
> Welch. I don't respect beer. I like it. But I don't
> respect it.
> "Respect." That's a big word.
> Scottie Kaczorowski
> Long Beach, CA