do you *always* brine?
Eddie wrote:
> I'm going to try for the first time. next month's turkey in my Caja
> China.
> Is brining really necessary for every type of cook? I've smoked in
> the K and have definitely tasted the difference when I brine. But for
> deep frying, or grilling, is it necessary? I doubt if there's anyone
> in this ng that has a Caja China, but if you do have one, and you've
> cooked a turkey in it, did 'ya brine?
Good question Eddie.
I find brining helps poultry in pretty much every type of cooking
except for braising methods. That's one case where I didn't notice
much of a difference. But for grilling, heck yeah. The caja box
thing too.
You mentioned deep frying. When I added a brining step to my
buffalo wing recipe there was no going back. It makes a big
difference there too and the crowd always agrees.
Reg email: RegForte (at) (that free MS email service) (dot) com