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Cwdjrx _
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Werner Elfein wrote:

"Last week I had the opportunity to drink this wine together with some
wine friends. Like most 1976er it appeared very matured, but in
combination with Stilton the bitter tones, which are clearly tastable in
the finish due to the strong Botrytis, could be compensated very well.
I think, for most 1976er it's time to drink them soon. (Exceptions
confirm the rule.)"

It is a pleasure to receive tasting notes from Germany. I wish more were
given on this board, since I am quite fond of many German wines and have
collected them for years.

Yes, many 1976 wines need drinking soon. However I expect some wines of
the BA and TBA levels from some regions to last many more years, and
certain auslesen are likely to hold fairly well - the exceptions that
you mention. I would expect that Egon Muller's Scharzhofberger better
auslesen may last many more years, for example. On the other hand I had
a Steinberger 1976 auslese about a year ago that would have been better
a few years earlier.

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