OLD cast iron?
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 17:14:14 -0500, zxcvbob >
>Bob Myers wrote:
>> Not QUITE Yet Another Post about how to season new cast iron...
>> In unpacking some boxes that had been in the basement for years,
>> I came across some old cast iron that I can remember my Dad using
>> thirty years ago. At the time, of course, these were all well-seasoned;
>> I remember them all nice and black, and of course they turned out
>> many wonderful meals. But they've been packed away and unused
>> for at least 20 years now - Mom never used them, and I stored these
>> boxes after she died a couple of years ago. Today they're rusty in
>> spots, and just in general don't look like something I want to be
>> cooking with. I'm wondering if anyone has pointers on restoring
>> old cast iron to service. I've been thinking that coarse steel wool
>> or even sandblasting could get the accumlated rust and crud off,
>> and then treating it like new, unseasoned cast iron would be the way
>> to go. Any thoughts on this?
>> Yes, I know I could go out and just buy new - but since this stuff's
>> sort of at "family heirloom" status, I'd sure like to restore it and use
>> it.
>> Bob M.
>Burn them in the fireplace, or clean them with oven cleaner (lye).
>Either will be easier and do less damage than a wire brush. I prefer
>the fire method.
I used to burn mine, but have gone to the oven cleaner method. Messy,
but I don't have to fool with building a fire. Take all appropriate
safety precautions. Done right there won't be *anything* but metal
left on the pan.
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