Harry Demidavicius wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Oct 2005 16:39:07 -0400, "Matthew L. Martin"
> > wrote:
>>Dave Bugg wrote:
>>>Matthew L. Martin wrote:
>>>>You got that right. In 19 years of marriage, my first wife probably
>>>>cooked fewer than 10 meals, so she got the contents of the kitchen:-(
>>>Ouch !
>>On both counts. During the separation she took a "Haute Cuisine" cooking
>>course and decided she needed the stuff more than I did. She did leave
>>three things. A corkscrew her parents had given me for Christmas and the
>>dinette set.
> Years ago a friend of mine came home to find his wife was gone and
> taken everything in the house except for the kitchen table & one
> chair; one place setting; & his Porsche - 9with a rock through its
> windshield, tires slashed and the engine removed.
> Nobody suspected - especially him!
> He even got a rough ride from the cops on suspicion of . . . but they
> found her & withdrew from the fray. Wouldn't tell him where she was
> though.
Too bad. He should have pressed vandalism charges against her.
Matthew <mlmartin@ .com> (fill in the blank with user name)
"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of
people" -- Alexander Bullock ("My Man Godfrey" 1936)