Michael Sierchio wrote:
> krusty kritter wrote:
> > ... some of the thicker chiles don't dry
> > well, so they have to be smoked instead.
> [trying hard not to say anything about inhaling chile smoke]
Smoke them *outdoors* in a smoker, don't try to be the Zig Zag Man,
burn out your lungs and die in great agony! Don't even stand downwind
of your chile smoker. >
> I believe I know you, krusty. Or shall I call you .... "Bob" ?
Of course. One anonymous intelligent lifeform recognizes another from
creative nickname.
But "Bob" is somebody else. Maybe your uncle ;-)
> Ob food: chipotles in adobo, as bought in little cans at any
> Mexican grocery and some others, are good stuff. Smoke 'em if
> you've got 'em.
Seems to me like spice on top of spice might result in something too
I tried some beef adobado in former McDonald's in Bakersfield which had
been converted to a Mexican fast food place. The beef adobado tasted a
bit like barbecue sauce.