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  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> I was going to have pot roast tomorrow, but I've changed my mind and
> would rather have it today.
> I moved it from the freezer to the fridge last night, so it's still
> mostly frozen. Can I pop it into the crock pot just the same? Will
> it thaw quickly and then cook about the same between now and dinner
> time?

I do that frequently with an electric roaster. A crockpot will take a
long time, so if you start it today it still may not be ready until
breakfast tomorrow. And it may not provide enough heat to keep it from
spoiling when it's half warm and half frozen.

It might be better to put it in the oven at about 400 until it browns a
little, then cover it and turn the heat down to 300 and continue cooking
-- the reason being that the initial high temperature cooking will kill
the bacteria in the meat surface to make sure it doesn't spoil when the
outside is warm and the center still partially frozen.

How was that for a non-answer? ;-)

Best regards,