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Mr Libido Incognito wrote:
> wrote on 08 Oct 2005 in
>>> I wouldn't count on it. However, you can put it (still wrapped in
>>> the plastic) in a sink filled with cold (not hot!) water

>> Thanks! Glad I asked.
>> Our microwave's defrost setting sucks. It always cooks the outside
>> of the food, and leaves the inside frozen.

> if you can select power range settings on the microwave set it to
> power 1 for 10 minutes, timer for 5 minutes, power 1 for 10 minutes.
> this works better than factory defrost which basically does the same
> thing except at power 3.

I don't like defrosting in the microwave, no matter what the setting. You
have to watch it too closely, depending upon the size of the item and the
power of the microwave.

I've got a 2 lb. flank steak defrosting in cold water. I should still have
time to marinate it in teriyaki with ginger, garlic, pepper, onion, a little
sherry and a dash of oil and get it on the grill before the sun sets If
not, I'll just marinate it overnight in the fridge. This was a last minute
craving based on the nice weather.
