Potatoes for Scalloped Potatoes
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> It took me 16 minutes and 29 seconds to peel and slice (with a chef's
> knife, 1/8" thick, give or take 1/16") 3 large potatoes, (total weight
> 1#6oz) and make the white sauce with which to layer them in a 1-1/2
> quart casserole dish. They're ready to come out of the oven now. Guess
> I'd better slice the ham and prep the broccoli and get the salads made.
> Supper's in 50 minutes.
> --
> -Barb, <www.jamlady.eboard.com> updated 2-10-04.
Those must be some fancy salads (or did you mean 5 minutes?)
gloria p