"Paul Green" <pgreen @ mooneygreen.com> wrote in message
> My stick blender (an old, cheap one) has bit the big one. I want to
> replace it, and am looking for recommendations. When I bought this one, I
> wanted to make sure that the blender-end would come off to be washed in
> the dishwasher (which was not such a common feature at the time).
> Otherwise, my uses are pretty general--pureeing soups and stew bases, etc.
> What's a good pick these days?
I have a Braun and I love it. It comes with the blender, a chopper, a whisk
and a beaker. The chopper is invaluable for small chopping jobs. All parts
detach; the only part which can't be immersed is the "handle" part with the
power in it. It's my favorite kitchen tool - cost me all of $14 on sale at
Sam's Club. You can pay a lot more for the fancy names but I'm very happy
with this one, which I've had for about 3 years.