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Sheldon wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote:
>>>I was going to have pot roast tomorrow, but I've changed my mind and
>>>would rather have it today.
>>>I moved it from the freezer to the fridge last night, so it's still
>>>mostly frozen. Can I pop it into the crock pot just the same? Will
>>>it thaw quickly and then cook about the same between now and dinner

>>I do that frequently with an electric roaster. A crockpot will take a
>>long time, so if you start it today it still may not be ready until
>>breakfast tomorrow. And it may not provide enough heat to keep it from
>>spoiling when it's half warm and half frozen.
>>It might be better to put it in the oven at about 400 until it browns a
>>little, then cover it and turn the heat down to 300 and continue cooking
>>-- the reason being that the initial high temperature cooking will kill
>>the bacteria in the meat surface to make sure it doesn't spoil when the
>>outside is warm and the center still partially frozen.
>>How was that for a non-answer? ;-)

> If you're going to go through all that... lighting the oven, dirtying a
> pan... may as well just finish it in the oven.

I was talking about finishing it in the oven. (maybe that wasn't clear)

However, an electric roaster is the way to roast a big and/or frozen
hunk of meat if you don't want to use the oven. They are especially
good for roasting turkeys.
