On Sun, 9 Oct 2005 08:53:33 -0400, "Dee Randall"
> wrote:
>"nancree" > wrote in message
>>I have just read the thread about clarified butter, but none of it
>> answered what puzzles me about it. I have made clarified butter twice.
>> Both times in small a small quantity {1/4 or 1/2 pound). It worked
>> fine, I skimmed off the foam and the clear clarified butter remained.
>> But when I poured it into a small bowl to chill and store, it got very,
>> very hard. So hard that you couldn't scoop it out of the dish at all.
>> Not even with a sharp spoon, or knife.
>> It as hard as the porcelain dish was. The second time, I poured it
>> into a small dish with sloping sides, thinking that I could slide a
>> small knife down along the side and loosed the butter. No luck--it
>> would have broken the dish. Letting it come to room temperature wasn't
>> much better.
>> Surely someone else has had this experience. How do you store and
>> use clarified butter after you have made it? I would appreciate any
>> comments.
>> TIA Nancree
>As I mentioned in my previous email, my bought butter labeled 'ghee' was
>this way, and there was no way that I would microwave the whole 8oz-1# to
>get out a spoonful. When I was able to remove some, it disgusted DH anyway,
>so out it went.
>But my thinking cap goes on, and this thought arrives:
>I suppose after making it, one could contain it in small measured amounts,
>then microwave it as needed. But what? would be the container? I don't
>think one would want to measure out more than 1/4 cup (4 T) for use, would
>Dee Dee
You can used 1/2 cup Ball canning jars or Glad Ware 1/2 cup plastic
containers. Not necessary to fill them
Susan N.
"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral,
48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974