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Bob Terwilliger
Posts: n/a

Dee wrote:

> As I mentioned in my previous email, my bought butter labeled 'ghee' was
> this way, and there was no way that I would microwave the whole 8oz-1# to
> get out a spoonful. When I was able to remove some, it disgusted DH
> anyway, so out it went.
> But my thinking cap goes on, and this thought arrives:
> I suppose after making it, one could contain it in small measured amounts,
> then microwave it as needed. But what? would be the container? I don't
> think one would want to measure out more than 1/4 cup (4 T) for use, would
> you?

Why not use ice cube trays to chill them, then when they're solidified, just
put them into freezer bags?+

(Fact is, though, I've never encountered ghee or clarified butter which was
NEARLY as hard as you've described. If I did, I'd be inclined to go after
it with an ice pick to extract whatever small amount I needed at the time.)
