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Dominic-Luc Webb
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Default Noix Noires - La Table d'Eugenie

I just bought what I suspect is some kind of nuts in liqueur
and is used for crepes. There is essentially nothing on the
net explaining how to use it, but it is not real hard to find
in shops here in Europe and rather expensive. Interesting, the
people selling it are not sure what it is or what people do
with it. I am curious if anyone here knows for certain how this
is typically served and if my crepe hypothesis is correct?

Picture of this item is he

Label reads as follows:

Noix Noires
Jeunes noix a la liqueur
La Table d'Eugenie
24400 Sourzac
48 g ingredients 18% vol: Noix vertes sirop, sucre, eau citron

Any/all suggestions kindly welcomed....
