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Dee Randall
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"Andy" <q> wrote in message
.. .
> Dee Randall wrote:
>> I suppose after making it, one could contain it in small measured
>> amounts, then microwave it as needed. But what? would be the
>> container? I don't think one would want to measure out more than 1/4
>> cup (4 T) for use, would you?
>> Dee Dee

> Dee Dee,
> You could use those paper cupcake thingys.

Thanks, Andy.
1) Pour 2 T cb into Parchment paper cupcake thingies [thingies contained in
a ramekin]
2) Freeze cb which are in ramekins
3)Remove thingies containing 2T cb each
4)Put multiple 2Tb thingies in freezer in one bag

As some French say, when asked, "Can you do this"?
"It's a possibility."

Dee Dee