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Charles Gifford wrote:
> "Dee Randall" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> >
> > As I mentioned in my previous email, my bought butter labeled 'ghee' was
> > this way,

> Just make sure everyone knows, although I am sure they do, ghee and
> clarified butter are not the same thing. Ghee is taken a step further than
> making clarified butter. It's solids are browned before having the liquid
> poured off. This adds a great deal of nuttiness to the ghee. Clarified
> butter is so quick and easy to make when needed, that I see no reason to
> make it in quantity beforehand. Ghee is a little more time consuming and
> requires a little more care in it's preparation, so having it done ahead of
> time is reasonable. I have purchased bottled ghee at one of the local Indian
> groceries when it was cheaper than fresh butter and never had any problem
> with spooning some out when needed. The grocery did not refrigerate it. I
> did, though I usually took it out a while before I used it to allow it to
> soften a little.

I do clarified butter all the time in the microwave oven... simply melt
a stick in a two cup Pyrex measuring cup until it's boiling (good to
place a saucer over the cup) and pour of all but the last dregs...
naturally when I butter popcorn I use it all, every last drop. <g> I
know most folks opt for air-popped pop corn to save on fat calories but
not me... cold weather is coming so it's time to break out my Wearever
Popcorn Pumper... I tend to over fill it so it makes six quarts of
popcorn, just right for my stick of butter.
