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  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Andy wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote:
> > That being said, I don't know if a crockpot provides enough energy to
> > heat the exterior of a roast out of the danger zone while the interior
> > is still frozen -- or to thaw the whole thing quickly enough that it
> > thaws and then moves out of the danger zone before the surface can
> > spoil. The worst case is that the surface bacteria grow explosively

> and
> > are then killed by the heat, but were active long enough to ruin the
> > taste of the meat and *perhaps* produce heat-stable toxins. For
> > example, staphylococcus toxin is heat-stable.

> I have no clue either but from your text, I'd love to see a time-lapse
> cartoon animation of it!

Look in the mirror.
