On Sun, 09 Oct 2005 18:27:44 -0500, OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article >,
> sf > wrote:
> > >
> > I have NEVER even seen them in the market, so they are something I
> > order regularly in restaurants.
> Really???
> They are available routinely at the local grocery store. :-)
> You might try a Mexican market if you have one localy.
I have carneseria just up the street, but it doesn't carry
> I'd ship you some, but it'd have to be overnighted using dry ice,
> and that could get pricey. <lol> This package was only $1.19 per lb.
Wow! Great initial price, but the cost of shipping would be too much.
I can get them for a very reasonable price at one of my regular dining
> I don't recall mom ever having trouble finding them when we lived in
> California? We lived in LA.
Maybe it's still easily available there. I dunno.
Actually, it's good that I can't get them because it's one of those
things I really like to order in restaurants. If I could get them and
they were something I made well at home, it would spoil the dining out
experience for me.
You know what they say... every cloud has a silver lining!