Thread: Sweetbreads
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  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >, "AL" >

> I've also never seen these in any store. I have them occasionally at a
> local restaurant, but they're rather expensive.
> By the way, how do you prounce "sweetbreads" correctly? Like the way it is
> spelt?

Yes, it's just "sweet breads".

Like I said, I only paid $1.19 per lb. for the package I got today.
Our local stores carry a large number of "organ" meats, and other odd
stuff during holidays. Sweetbreads, tripe and lengua are always
available. Unfortunately, tongue tends to be rather expensive. <G>

They sell WHOLE hogs heads during the holiday season as that is the
traditional meat for authentic tamales.

We have a very high hispanic population so that is probably why. ;-)

I'm betting if you asked around, you might be able to find them. They
are a comfort food for me. Mom made them quite a bit when I was growing
up and I still love them! We always ate them boiled in a white sauce and
served over toast bits or scrambled eggs, but we learned awhile ago that
they were also fantastic cooked whole on the barbecue and sliced.

I want to experiment with the electric grill now and have that package
marinating in the 'frige right now in a lemon and soy sauce based


"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson