"Ken Davey" > wrote in message
> tsr3 wrote:
>> Millstone Hazelnut Decaf (I get it at Sam's Club) is very decent. I
>> like it a lot.--r3
> ACK!!!
> Flavoured coffee has to be the worst crap foisted on the buying public
> since decaf.
> Good coffee (decaf or natural) is just that - good coffee!
> Adding Yuppy flavour is just a way to market an inferior product for yet
> more dollars.
> As to machines that are advertised to make good coffee -
> forgettaboutaboutit.
> They don't exist.
> For more information go to
> alt.coffee
> If you are even slightly interested in good coffee that is
> Ken.
I don't drink or like flavored coffee myself, but I did buy a couple of
pounds of Ghiradelli chocolate coffee a few years ago. I thought it was
much better (richer) than a cup of brewed coffee that you could add the
chocolate to it yourself (and cinnamon?).
As far as Ghiradelli using inferior coffee beans for their chocolate-infused
coffee beans, they didn't taste inferior to me.
Yuppy flavor? I looked up the definition of yuppy: this is the first one I
Definition yuppie, yuppy
a young person who lives in a city, earns a lot of money and spends it doing
fashionable things and buying expensive possessions
Curious, do you like Starbucks beans? If not their beans, their roasting?
P.S. Yes, I've wandered in an out of the coffee ng. Thanks.
Dee Dee