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  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob Terwilliger
Posts: n/a

replied to zxcvbob:

>> That being said, I don't know if a crockpot provides enough energy to
>> heat the exterior of a roast out of the danger zone while the interior
>> is still frozen -- or to thaw the whole thing quickly enough that it
>> thaws and then moves out of the danger zone before the surface can
>> spoil. The worst case is that the surface bacteria grow explosively
>> and are then killed by the heat, but were active long enough to ruin the
>> taste of the meat and *perhaps* produce heat-stable toxins. For
>> example, staphylococcus toxin is heat-stable.

> How much heat and how stable? I've never heard that before. Do you have
> some more info? Now with Mad Cow disease, those prions are
> indestructible but that's another issue. That's scary. Even
> sterilization in an autoclave won't get rid of Mad Cow's prions.

He was talking about the toxins thrown off by the bacteria, not about the
bacteria themselves. From

"Toxins are extremely resistant to heat. For example, the D time of
enterotoxin B at 149°C is 100 min at an a(w) of .99 and 225 min at an a(w)
of .90."
