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Dick Margulis
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Dave Fawthrop wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 19:10:00 -0400, Dick Margulis >
> wrote:
> | In US commercially raised pork, is there still a significant risk of
> | trichinosis? I realize that markets and conditions may be different in
> | other countries, which is why I'm limiting the question to the US.
> Then why are you posting to a UK newsgroup? <deleted>

Because the person who originated the thread massively cross-posted and
I'm either too lazy to correct that, too ignorant to realize that one of
the cross-posted groups is UK-oriented (Usenet being international and
all), or too considerate of those who may have started following the
thread and still be interested. You can choose whichever answer or
answers best fit your model of human nature.