In article >,
"Dee Randall" > wrote:
> "Stan Horwitz" > wrote in message
> ...
> > In article >,
> > sf > wrote:
> >
> >> San Francisco was busy today!
> >>
> >> Downtown: Fleet week festivities & the Blue Angels
> >> West Side: American Express Golf at Harding Park
> >> ($1.3 million to the winner)
> >> East Side: 49er game at Candlestick
> >> (they're getting their butts kicked by the Colts in the third quarter)
> >>
> >> It was absolutely glorious all day long, so I hope everyone enjoyed
> >> the sun and mild weather (60° this morning - 65° now) at their event
> >> of choice.
> >
> > Here in NJ, the weather was lousy all weekend. Heavy rain fell all day
> > Saturday, well into Saturday night. On Sunday morning, I awoke to find a
> > beautiful spectacle in the park outside my apartment thanks to the heavy
> > rain. I grabbed my camera and I shot a few photos in the park yesterday
> > morning and I am thoroughly impressed with these photos.
> >
> > You all are welcome to look at my photos if you want. I put them on my
> > web server at and I plan to use a few of those
> > photos to show in the digital photography course I am taking on Tuesday
> > and Thursday nights. I also saw the movie Serenity on Sunday, which I
> > enjoyed a lot; it has some of the best special effects I have ever seen
> > in a movie; its what Star Trek should have been.
> Enjoyed your pictures.
> Curious as to how you posted so many pictures on one link. Are there any
> special hints to give others who want to post more than one picture at a
> time and get one link for each pic.
I just used my Mac with OS X 10.4.2 and iPhoto 5's export to html
feature. Takes all of two minutes to set up. What took longer is
sharpening each image so it looks presentable. The web server is one I
manage. In fact, its the same machine I am using right now to type this