Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> AL wrote:
>>Not being a billionaire, I only own one piece of All-Clad--a small stainless
>>frying pan which I use very frequently for frying eggs and making various
>>tomato and cream based sauces. It is the perfect size. When I'm done, I
>>toss it in the dishwasher and it comes out like new.
>>I also own a bunch of Cuisinart Multiclad (stainless) with the old handles
>>(which I prefer over All-Clad) that I got on clearance, and the new handles
>>(which seem flimsy) that I got on eBay. I really like them and think they
>>conduct heat as well as All-Clad but have a nicer rolled edge for easier
>>pouring. The handles also have a more comfortable feel.
>>Unfortunately they have one problem. When these come out of the dishwasher,
>>they have a white coating on the interior (food side). They look like they
>>were used to collect sweat at the health club and then allowed to evaporate.
>>Is it just me, or does All-Clad have an undocumented feature that makes them
>>easier to clean?
> Try using a cleaner such as Bon Ami or Barkeeper's friend on your
> Multiclad.
> It works well on my Allclad when it gets like that.
> And I don't understand why other posters don't put their stainless in
> the dishwasher. I can't be bothered with anything that requires
> special treatment--although I confess I barely care what my cookware
> looks like. I've got a nonstick-coated aluminum frying pan too big for
> the dishwasher that looks like hell on the back. I don't cook on that
> side.
> Cindy Hamilton
I don't because in order for my pans to come out clean, I have to wash
them before I put them in the dishwasher. Actually, when I do dishes, I
always wash them by hand. I dont really trust the dishwasher to get
things clean- and yes, I know that the water gets hot enough to kill all
the germs. I just do not fancy particles of food stuck between tines of
forks and in the inner depths of the tops of sippy cups.
"It's not a gimmick, it's an incentive."- asterbark, afca
aware of the manifold possibilities of the future
"I think there's a clause in the Shaman's and Jujumen's Local #57 Union
contract that they have to have reciprocity for each other's shop rules."