In article >,
zxcvbob > wrote:
> itsjoannotjoann wrote:
> > Mike Van Pelt wrote:
> >
> >
> >>I've always wondered ... what is *in* "bread and butter
> >>pickles"?
> >
> >
> >
> > I don't know what's in them either, but they are one of my favorite
> > pickles, especially if they are home canned! Sorry you don't like
> > them, but each to his own.
> >
> They have sliced cucumbers (usually medium-to-large cukes that are too
> big to make good whole pickles) vinegar, water, sugar, salt, mustard
> seeds, celery seeds, onions, and usually turmeric for color. They are
> really good with a little bit of hot pepper in them, but that's not part
> of the classic recipe. HTH :-)
> Best regards,
> Bob
You forgot the green bells.