salgud wrote:
> ~patches~ wrote:
>>Seamus wrote:
>>>~patches~ wrote:
>>>>Seamus wrote:
>>>>>>Champion against Teflon wrote:
>>>>>>>I want as many people as possible to know that
>>>>>>>I was poisoned by Teflon. I've never trusted it, and when it poisons
>>>>>>>you, you want to tell everyone how dangerous it is. I've used surgical
>>>>>>>stainless steel for over 2 years.
>>>>>>There's no such stainless steel classification as "surgical".
>>>>>Yes there is, but it's mere marketing. It simply means the highest
>>>>>quality stainless.
>>>>Nice! I like the diamond craft pots & pans. Do you know what the
>>>>grading on ss means. I see numbers like 18/8 but am not sure what they
>>>IIRC, 18/8 means 18 ppm Chromium and 8 ppm Nickel in alloyed in the
>>>steel. ( I could have the Cr/Ni backwards).
>>Thanks Seamus. You have the Cr/Ni correct. I found the information and
>>posted the link for others interested.
> Sorry, but I was a Metallurgical Engineer in a previous life. It's 18%
> Chrome, 8% Nickel (the remaining 74% being iron, of course).
Right you are and my mistake for not noticing the ppm. That makes a big
difference. I know per cents are pph just not reading close enough.
That will teach me to sit playing on the computer when I could be cooking