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"Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
> kilikini wrote:
> > "Bill DeWitt" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >
> >>Stan Marks wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>After over a month after Katrina, we finally got our cable service and
> >>>cable modem back this past week! Still don't have phone service,

> >>>It may be next month before we get our phone lines back. :/
> >>
> >>Check into a VOIP service for your phone. You can use the cable modem
> >>to connect to land lines and the cost is usually less than normal
> >>phone service - with no loss in quality.
> >>
> >>

> >
> >
> > p
> >
> >
> > We use VOIP for our phone. It's great. $25 a month and unlimited long
> > distance for free. Can't beat that with a short stick.
> >
> > kili
> >
> >

> First off, congratulations Stan. Sounds like your house at least
> survived somewhat intact!
> I've been considering Vonage for a while too but wasn't sure of it's
> stability/quality. Sounds like maybe I should really start checking
> into it. Already have cable modem so hooking it up should be pretty
> simple, I think. Seems to me that I could just disconnect the main
> phone line where it comes into the house and hook the Vonage feed into
> there and then all of the phones should be switched to Vonage service,
> right? We have a lot of phones in the house (7 I think) and they all
> split off from the main junction terminals in the basement that the
> current phone line feeds.
> Sound right?
> --
> Steve
> Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.

Steve, you need a router (which they give you) and then you plug your cable
modem into the router along with the phone line. We have a wireless network
here at home and as such needed an access point wireless adapter along with
their provided router, but we did it ourselves and it all works.

To have more than one phone connected, you'd have to put some sort of
splitter on your incoming cable line; that's the only downfall. We have a
small house and are always in the living room, so for us Vonage works great.
Unlimited long distance? Please! I have my friends on Maui, my family in
South Carolina, Washington, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and friends all over
the place. For us, it's essential. We get an occasional weird beep in our
conversations, but other than that it works great.
