Thread: Wax! on veggies
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Dee Randall wrote:
> Well, I got suckered into wax on my veggies again today. I have often
> bought the small yellow/orange/red peppers that Costco sells, rinse them
> off, leave them whole and just quickly 'fry them up.' I've noticed in the
> past few months that one has to choose carefully not to get an overdue
> package.
> I just opened the package for lunch and took out a couple of handfulls and
> my hands were full of more-like 'grease' than wax. It took a couple of good
> washings to get this off my hands. I sprayed them with vinegar and hope it
> will come off. If not, another veggie lost to the wind. These are not
> available at my closest market, so I've been happy to get them. I suppose
> there has been too much waste with the previous peppers, so I would imagine
> that spraying them with the grease/wax was their answer to lots of spoilage.
> I used to use some sort of grapeseed drops (very expensive) which you had to
> drop into a container of water to set the veggies in. The bottles became so
> tedious and the exercise so tedious that when someone suggested that I try
> what they do, just spray with vinegar; I've been doing this. Apples I peel,
> but I don't like to peel off the pectin. It's nice when Fall is here and
> some are not sprayed.
> Anyone have anything they do differently to get the wax off -- or do they
> just consider it safe.
> Dee Dee

The wax is edible. Just leave it on if you are cooking the stuff. It's
a real nuisance tho' if you are eating them raw. I usually wash it off
with soap (real soap) and rinse well.

Best regards,