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Melba's Jammin'
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In article >,
"Bob (this one)" > wrote:

> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > Well,the dead spread was a disappointment and the pastor thought he was
> > a stand up comic. I'm okay with a certain level of casual at funerals,
> > but I hate it when the presider tries to be funnier than I am. (No, I
> > did not speak at this send off.) The newly departed should be spinning
> > in her grave (I believe she's now there - or at least en route).
> >
> > I want a sociological study about what's happened to decent funeral
> > food. On second thought, I think there's no point to such a study
> > except to fatten some university prof's budget. Fuhgeddaboutit. This
> > may be the worst side effect of The Women's Movement. Never mind the
> > disintegration of The Family Unit as we knew it. Encouraging women to
> > the workforce has degraded the quality of The Funeral Lunch. Feh!
> > Ptooey!
> >
> > Instead of preparing Hotdish, Jell-O Salad, and Bars for the reception,
> > they're in an office writing briefs, proposals, sales plans, sexual
> > harassment policies, and marketing surveys. More's the pity.
> >
> > The spread for Evelyn M consisted of ham and turkey roulades, buns, fake
> > cheese slices (yellow and white, cut into neat triangles that don't fit
> > anything), tasteless potato salad, black and green olives, bread &
> > butter pickles (limp), baby dills, potato chips, coffee, iced white
> > cake, nekkid angel food cake, and iced carrot cake from Sam's. Evie was
> > regarded as a fine cook Ð this was an insult to her memory.
> >
> > The judges awarded (OK, the judge awards) House of Prayer (ELCA) a 4 for
> > content and difficulty, and a 6 for presentation (they had flowers on
> > the serving table and the ham and turkey portions were rolled rather
> > than laid flat on the plates). Points were lost for mustard and mayo
> > in plastic packets. An award of merit was presented to HOP for
> > Excellence in Coffee.
> >
> > St. Olaf Roman Catholic (downtown) gets 4 for content and difficulty,
> > and 4 for presentation. Pretty bad. No, really bad.
> >
> > I can see that I'm going to have to be really specific about the lunch
> > served after my passing, Make a note: no paper sugar packets,

> Ok. Nooo sugaaarr paaaacckketttts.
> > no condiments in little plastic tubes,

> Nnnnoooo coooonnnndimmmmennnts in plaaaasssticccc tuuuuuubeees
> > and no plastic tublets of half and
> > half.

> Hey. Slow down. I can only write so fast here...
> Pastorio

Glad you're paying attention, because you're on the hook, Bucko. Your
name and phone number and email have been given to a couple relatives to
contact after they push my wheelie in front of the semi. "Whoops!
Auntie Barb slipped! Oh, darn. Call that guy whose name she gave us."