"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > Well,the dead spread was a disappointment and the pastor thought he was
>> > a stand up comic. I'm okay with a certain level of casual at funerals,
>> > but I hate it when the presider tries to be funnier than I am. (No, I
>> > did not speak at this send off.) The newly departed should be spinning
>> > in her grave (I believe she's now there - or at least en route).
>> <snip>
>> >
>> > Barb Schallerstein
>> > --
>> > http://www.jamlady.eboard.com
>> One would think with all the "in an office writing briefs, proposals,
>> sales plans, sexual harassment policies, and marketing surveys"
>> They could afford to have it catered.....
> THAT'S THE POINT, Dimitri!! THIS * IS * the catered spread. Pitiful
> excuse for it, too. After having been privy to selecting my recently
> departed sister's box, I'm leaving instructions for a corrugated
> cardboard box and spend the coffin $$$$ on The Lunch.
>> Maybe that's a new business idea.
>> You bury the dead
>> We feed the living.
> LOL!!! You're giving me ideas. . . .
>> Wake Catering Inc.
>> Dimitri
Like the man said "Holy Crap!" This must be one of my Duh.. days
I'll bet if you visit funeral homes and give them a commission you'll get a ton
of business.