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Default Hangover Cures - URGENT

OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:

> In article >,
> ~patches~ > wrote:
>>Here's the scoop on Naproxen -
>>Personally I refuse to use any drugs unless absolutely necessary and
>>that's coming from someone who routinely has 4 day long sinus attacks.
>>For those I use dark light, heated grain packs, and lavender. My doctor
>>is actually catching on that I won't use *any* drug unless absolutely
>>there is no other choice solution. Chamomile tea or lavender tea is
>>very good for headaches

> For sinus attacks, have you tried a neti-pot with warm saline?
> Works wonders for sinus allergy attacks for me! Stops them dead in their
> tracks, and also helps to relieve the irritated eyes that come with it.
> Love my neti-pot! Instant relief. :-)

What the heck is a neti-pot? My sinus attacks are allergy related.
I've been using saline nasal spray but nothing seems to stop them.