Visit to Paducah KY by Aussie
Barry Grau wrote:
> zxcvbob > wrote in message >...
>>The barbecue in Owensboro, KY is extrordinary. I don't remember the
>>name of the place, but you can ask the locals. They had a buffet of
>>several styles of barbecue, plus "burgoo" which is a KY regional stew.
>>I think Owensboro is near Paducah, but I may be getting it confused with
>>Bowling Green or Evansville or something.
> Mapquest says about 130 miles and 2.75 hours each way:
> < paducah&1s=ky&1z=&1ah=&2y=US&2a=&2c=owensboro&2s=k y&2z=&2ah=&formtype1=address&formtype2=address&idx =0&id=4033ead5-00217-0620a-400c330d&aid=4033ead5-00218-0620a-400c330d>
>>Best regards,
>>Bob, a Texan in Minnesota
> -bwg
In Kentucky, 130 miles is about 1.5 hours. On a recent trip through
that part of the country, when I crossed the state line into KY, the
speed limit dropped to 65 but the traffic sped up to 85+. Then when I
got to the TN line, the speed limit went up to 70 or 75, and the traffic
slowed down to the speed limit.
You can probably get Owensboro style barbecue in Paducah, but I don't
know for sure. It's like Texas style barbecue made with pork instead of
beef -- the same sweet, hot, sticky tomato-based sauce. But it was
almost 10 years since I ate there, so I might be just imagining it... :-)