Knife pouches
Fred wrote:
> When we leave for vacation I usually pack up a box of spices, utensils, etc.
> because we stay in condos or apartments with kitchens and I'd rather cook
> than eat in most toruist-area restaurants. The condos might have a few
> bargain-store pots and a dull butcher knife, so I take my own tools.
> Problem is always, how to pack my knives without damaging the blades or
> something else (like my hands). I'd like to make a folding knife pouch but
> I don't know how to do it safely. Does anyone know of a website with
> patterns and materials recommendations for these traveling knife carriers?
Go to and search <gun cases>... probably more than 20
suitable for knifes as well... the same foam lined cases that protect
expensive firearms will likewise protect kitchen cutlery... could
probably easily make one yourself from a cheap attache case lined with
foam. I own many plastic tool/tackle boxes, more than a dozen of all
types and sizes... NONE but the bulkiest will accomodate kitchen
knives... and still bare-bladed knives need to be individually
sheathed... I mean like only a total imbecile would toss unprotected
cutlery into a tool box to rattle about, like they were a fistful of
screw drivers. duh Even quality screw drivers need to be protected
from banging against each other.
Of course were I needing a knife case for transport I'd buy a knife
case for transport, like the ones from that I indicated in my
other post... otherwise I'd simply roll mine up in the sunday ny times
and slip on a few rubbers... hehe