is my fermentation stuck?
An OG of 1.110 is considerably higher than I would like to start. If that
went to dry it would yield about 15%. Many yeasts stop at about 14%. If
you want a dryer wine you probably need to use a lower OG, maybe 1.090 to
> wrote in message
> I'm a newbie working on my fourth batch of kit wine, an amarone-style
> with raisins from Wine Kitz. The last batch of red I did, a merlot,
> ended up slightly sweet, more so than I'd like although I think it was
> within spec for the kit. My work space is fairly cool, and the
> fermentation on that kit never got above 19 C or so, at or slightly
> below the recommended range, so I thought that warmer might help things
> out. Based on things I've read here and heard elsewhere, I got an
> electric blanket and a floating thermometer, and tried to modulate the
> blanket to keep things at the high end, 30-35 C. (I realize now this
> may have been too hot, but it was mostly low 30's.) The yeast is EC
> 1118 (which is supposed to go up to 35 C), starting SG was 1.110. I was
> supposed to rack into secondary at 7 days / SG 1.005, or wait a couple
> days. I finally racked last night at 9 days, SG 1.010. It's not making
> any bubbles, and is still sweet. The next step calls for 3 to 6 weeks
> of secondary. Did I get it too hot and stick my fermentation? Should I
> do something about it? What? And finally, I haven't dealt with the head
> space yet... should I top it with water or wine?
> Thanks!
> doug.