Patches, I've just opened a bottle of Mud House Sauvignon Blanc (NZ
wine with a screw cap, so it won't be corked!!). It's one of my
favourites. I've poured you a glass, much nicer than a martini
On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 14:25:25 -0400, ~patches~
> wrote:
>There that subject should give shelly girl something yip about :P
>Seriously though I'm not much in a cooking mood today. I have the
>turkey defrosting and my grocery list made. I have a couple of pumpkins
>ready to cut up for pies. The sausage - will post more later including
>pics - is cooking. The soup is made for tonight's meal and I'm just
>tired. Can someone just pour me one of those fancy martinies and pull
>up one of those chairs? I think watching the water would be a good
>passtime today
In reality, off to peal the pumpkin.