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Default Visit to Paducah KY by Aussie

"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> In Kentucky, 130 miles is about 1.5 hours. On a recent trip through
> that part of the country, when I crossed the state line into KY, the
> speed limit dropped to 65 but the traffic sped up to 85+. Then when I
> got to the TN line, the speed limit went up to 70 or 75, and the traffic
> slowed down to the speed limit.

Ok, this was probably I-65 Nasvhille to Lousiville or I-75 in the East part
of the state. To go from Paducah to Owensboro, you'd take I-24 to the West
Kentucky Parkway, then the Natcher Parkway to Owensboro. Do not not not not
not not not go over 70 on these or you will get pulled over. I drove West
Ky back and forth for four years, and there are typically smokies all over
the place.
> You can probably get Owensboro style barbecue in Paducah, but I don't
> know for sure. It's like Texas style barbecue made with pork instead of
> beef -- the same sweet, hot, sticky tomato-based sauce. But it was
> almost 10 years since I ate there, so I might be just imagining it... :-)

Most of the bbq at home seems to be more of the carolina style--smoked in a
pit, but the vingar style sauces. Definitely no sweet sauces.