Thread: 'Skiin' in tea?
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Scott Dorsey
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Default 'Skiin' in tea?

Robert W. King > wrote:
>I recently moved. Where I lived previously, my water supply was from my own
>well which supplied good sweet water that made superior tea with whatever
>variety I chose. Where I now live, the water is supplied by the city
>waterworks. It seems to be a bit harder (more calcium, etc) than my well
>water was. The tea I've brewed (using the same pot, method and times) still
>tastes pretty good, but I'm noticing that the surface of the tea soon
>acquires a dark brown 'skin' that tends to stick to the sides of the pot or
>the cup. Am I correct in suspecting the differences in water is responsible
>for the 'skin'? Can anyone recommend techniques for preventing or minimizing
>the skin?

I bet a nickel you got excessive iron in your water. Get it tested.
Around here, Southern States will do free water testing.

There are some effective reverse-osmosis filters to deal with this, which
are sold to the photo lab industry. There are several heavy metals, and
iron is a big offender, that really screw up the Kodak color developer

Or you can just use bottled water for tea.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."