Easiest homemade wine?
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Easiest homemade wine?
> I'm thinking I might've had too much airspace above the wines---4".
That's probably the worst thing that you did. The guy on the bike got
lucky, he must have got a strain of wild yeast that wasn't so bad. And
he cultured it as he went along. So buy some wine yeast, at least
once, and try again. This low alcohol wine doesn't keep well, but you
can drink it young -- that is fermented last month -- and it might be
palatable. C.J.J. Berry's books often have a couple of recipies like
My concern is, what if it comes out great, and you have no one to share
it with at that time? That's why I like to make wines that are made
carefully, so they're worth bottling, and storing.
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