Bread Bowls and soups
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> Bread bowls are good for all sorts of soup, however the bowls seem
>> to mesh best with creamy type soups. Chicken noodle just doesn't
>> seem like a great candidate for a bread bowl, know what I mean?
>> (laughing) I do think these would be great for chili! Or New
>> England clam chowder.
>> Jill
> OMG! You just gave me an idea...
> IMHO Chili goes best with cornbread.
> Would it be possible to create a cornbread bowl???
Why not? Hmmm. I'd look for a small roundish cast iron pots (think small
"witches" cauldrons?). Bake the cornbread, let it cool. Cut off the top,
carefully scoop out the middle (oooh, cornbread for crumbs for turkey or
pork chop stuffing/dressing). Brush the inside of the "bowl" with melted
butter (I'd have to skip the olive oil and garlic treatment; the texture of
cornbread wouldn't work with that) and toast the bowls. Then fill with
chili and serve. How's that?